리뷰 데이터 파일 읽고 데이터 전처리
def total_review_toknizer():
file_path = "/Users/sunho99/PycharmProjects/python_Project/setiment_dictionary_project/text1.txt"
okt = Okt()
total_reviews = []
with open(file_path) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
with open(file_path) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for i in lines:
okt = Okt()
normalization_total_review = [] # 평점 1~3점
# 문장 이상한거 수정 및 정규화 진행 전처리
for review in total_reviews: # 긍정리뷰
clean_review = emoticon_normalize(review,num_repeats=3) #반복되는 이모티콘 정리 최대 3회
clean_review = repeat_normalize(clean_review,num_repeats=3) # 반복되는 문구 정리 최대 3회
clean_review = only_hangle(clean_review) # 리뷰중 영어 제외
clean_review = okt.normalize(clean_review) # 정리
with open("/Users/sunho99/PycharmProjects/python_Project/setiment_dictionary_project/total_review.txt", "w") as positive_file_path:
for i in total_reviews:
return normalization_total_review
전처리 된 데이터 형태소 태깅하기
def text_TAG(normalization_review):
okt = Okt()
pos_reviews = []
for review in normalization_review: # 형태소 분석
clean_review = okt.pos(review[2:], stem=True,join=True)
# {'Adjective': '형용사',
# 'Adverb': '부사',
# 'Alpha': '알파벳',
# 'Conjunction': '접속사',
# 'Determiner': '관형사',
# 'Eomi': '어미',
# 'Exclamation': '감탄사',
# 'Foreign': '외국어, 한자 및 기타기호',
# 'Hashtag': '트위터 해쉬태그',
# 'Josa': '조사',
# 'KoreanParticle': '(ex: ㅋㅋ)',
# 'Noun': '명사',
# 'Number': '숫자',
# 'PreEomi': '선어말어미',
# 'Punctuation': '구두점',
# 'ScreenName': '트위터 아이디',
# 'Suffix': '접미사',
# 'Unknown': '미등록어',
# 'Verb': '동사'}
tag_reviews = []
for i in pos_reviews: #Adjective 동사, 형용사 가져오기
for j in i:
text_tag = j.split("/") #'편리하다/Adjective'
if text_tag[1] == "Adjective" :
total_tag_reviews =[]
count_tag_reviews = Counter(tag_reviews)
return count_tag_reviews
리뷰 데이터 토크나이저 진행
def text_tokenizer(): #리뷰 데이터 토크나이저 진행
okt = Okt()
f = open("/Users/sunho99/PycharmProjects/python_Project/setiment_dictionary_project/negative_review.txt", 'r') # 기본 긍,부정 txt
lines = f.readlines()
total_text = []
for line in lines:
line = line.strip() # 줄 끝의 줄 바꿈 문자를 제거한다.
line = okt.pos(line, stem=True, join=True)
new_text = []
for i in line:
text_tag = i.split("/") # '편리하다/Adjective'
with open("/Users/sunho99/PycharmProjects/python_Project/setiment_dictionary_project/negative_tokenizer_review.txt", "w") as file_path: # 긍,부정 리뷰 토큰화 진행
for i in total_text:
text = ""
for j in i:
text = text + j + " "
file_path.write(text + "\n")
SO-PMI를 통해 기준단어를 바탕으로 계산
def word_tokenizer(count_reviews,state):
okt = Okt()
most_relateds = []
pmi_dict = {}
corpus_path = "/Users/sunho99/PycharmProjects/python_Project/setiment_dictionary_project/"+state+"_tokenizer_review.txt"
corpus = DoublespaceLineCorpus(corpus_path,iter_sent=True) #corpus의 길이를 계산할 때, 문장 단위로 계산이 됨
word_extractor = WordExtractor() #단어 추출기
tokenizer = RegexTokenizer()
x, idx2vocab = sent_to_word_contexts_matrix(
tokenizer=tokenizer, # (default) lambda x:x.split(),
pmi, px, py = pmi_func(
vocab2idx = {vocab: idx for idx, vocab in enumerate(idx2vocab)}
for text,cnt in count_reviews:
query = vocab2idx[text]
submatrix = pmi[query, :].tocsr() # get the row of query
contexts = submatrix.nonzero()[1] # nonzero() return (rows, columns)
pmi_i = submatrix.data
most_relateds = [(idx, pmi_ij) for idx, pmi_ij in zip(contexts, pmi_i)]
most_relateds = sorted(most_relateds, key=lambda x: -x[0])
most_relateds = [(idx2vocab[idx], pmi_ij) for idx, pmi_ij in most_relateds]
# pprint(most_relateds)
for text,pmi_score in most_relateds: #pmi값중 text,pmi_score추출
a = okt.pos(text)
for pos_text, tag in a: #pmi계산 한 토큰 중 형용사만 추가.
if tag == "Adjective":
if pos_text not in pmi_dict:
pmi_dict[pos_text] = pmi_score
pmi_dict[pos_text] += pmi_score
# pmi_dict = sorted(pmi_dict.items(), key=lambda x:x[1], reverse= True)
return pmi_dict
긍,부정 dictionary 구축
def calculateSOPMI(positive_pmi_dict, negative_pmi_dict):
result = []
for key, _ in positive_pmi_dict.items():
if key in negative_pmi_dict:
so_pmi = positive_pmi_dict[key] - negative_pmi_dict[key]
result.append((key, so_pmi))
return result
전체 코드
from collections import Counter
import time
import json
from konlpy.tag import Okt
from soynlp.vectorizer import sent_to_word_contexts_matrix
from soynlp import DoublespaceLineCorpus
from soynlp.word import WordExtractor
from soynlp.normalizer import *
from soynlp.word import pmi as pmi_func
from soynlp.tokenizer import RegexTokenizer
from pprint import pprint
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
#from hanspell import spell_checker # 맞춤법 & 띄어쓰기 교정 //// 교정된 문장 = spell_checker.check(교정 전 문장).checked
#from soynlp.normalizer import * # 의미없게 반복되는 글자 교정 //// 교정된 문장 = emoticon_normalize(교정 전 문장', num_repeats=2) & 교정된 문장 = repeat_normalize(교정 전 문장, num_repeats=2)
class KnuSL():
def data_list(wordname):
with open('data/SentiWord_info.json', encoding='utf-8-sig', mode='r') as f:
data = json.load(f)
result = ['None', 'None']
for i in range(0, len(data)):
if data[i]['word'] == wordname:
r_word = result[0]
s_word = result[1]
print('어근 : ' + r_word)
print('극성 : ' + s_word)
return r_word, s_word
# if __name__ == "__main__":
# ksl = KnuSL
# print("\nKNU 한국어 감성사전입니다~ :)")
# print("사전에 단어가 없는 경우 결과가 None으로 나타납니다!!!")
# print("종료하시려면 #을 입력해주세요!!!")
# print("-2:매우 부정, -1:부정, 0:중립 or Unkwon, 1:긍정, 2:매우 긍정")
# print("\n")
# while (True):
# wordname = input("word : ")
# wordname = wordname.strip(" ")
# if wordname != "#":
# print(ksl.data_list(wordname))
# print("\n")
# elif wordname == "#":
# print("\n이용해주셔서 감사합니다~ :)")
# break
def setiment_Score(): # 감성어휘의 극성 값 계산
high_review = ["맛있","저렴","착한"]
total_SentimentScore = []
ksl = KnuSL
total_sum =0
for ist in high_review:
for word in ist:
polarity_score_Ti = word.strip(" ")
polarity_score = ksl.data_list(polarity_score_Ti)
total_sum += polarity_score
SentimentScore = total_sum/len(ist) # 각 리뷰에 출현하는 감성 어휘의 극성 값
return total_SentimentScore
def fileread(): # 리뷰 데이터파일 읽고 긍정 부정 분류후 데이터 전처리
file_path = "/Users/sunho99/PycharmProjects/python_Project/setiment_dictionary_project/text1.txt"
positive_reviews = []
negative_reviews = []
total_reviews = []
# o = open('/Users/sunho99/PycharmProjects/python_Project/setiment_dictionary_project/text1.txt', 'w')
# with open(file_path) as t:
# lines = t.readlines()
# for i in lines:
# i = i.replace(" ",",")
# o.write(i)
# o.close()
with open(file_path) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for i in lines:
if i[0] == "5" or i[0] == "4":
okt = Okt()
normalization_positive_review = [] # 평점 1~3점
normalization_negative_review = [] # 평점 4~5점
# 문장 이상한거 수정 및 정규화 진행 전처리
for review in positive_reviews: # 긍정리뷰
clean_review = emoticon_normalize(review,num_repeats=3) #반복되는 이모티콘 정리 최대 3회
clean_review = repeat_normalize(clean_review,num_repeats=3) # 반복되는 문구 정리 최대 3회
clean_review = only_hangle(clean_review) # 리뷰중 영어 제외
clean_review = okt.normalize(clean_review) # 정리
for review in negative_reviews: # 부정리뷰
clean_review = emoticon_normalize(review, num_repeats=3) # 반복되는 이모티콘 정리 최대 3회
clean_review = repeat_normalize(clean_review, num_repeats=3) # 반복되는 문구 정리 최대 3회
clean_review = only_hangle(clean_review) # 리뷰중 영어 제외
clean_review = okt.normalize(clean_review) # 정리
with open("/Users/sunho99/PycharmProjects/python_Project/setiment_dictionary_project/positive_review.txt", "w") as positive_file_path:
for i in positive_reviews:
with open("/Users/sunho99/PycharmProjects/python_Project/setiment_dictionary_project/negative_review.txt", "w") as negative_file_path:
for i in negative_reviews:
return normalization_positive_review,normalization_negative_review
def total_review_toknizer():
file_path = "/Users/sunho99/PycharmProjects/python_Project/setiment_dictionary_project/text1.txt"
okt = Okt()
total_reviews = []
with open(file_path) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
with open(file_path) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for i in lines:
okt = Okt()
normalization_total_review = [] # 평점 1~3점
# 문장 이상한거 수정 및 정규화 진행 전처리
for review in total_reviews: # 긍정리뷰
clean_review = emoticon_normalize(review,num_repeats=3) #반복되는 이모티콘 정리 최대 3회
clean_review = repeat_normalize(clean_review,num_repeats=3) # 반복되는 문구 정리 최대 3회
clean_review = only_hangle(clean_review) # 리뷰중 영어 제외
clean_review = okt.normalize(clean_review) # 정리
with open("/Users/sunho99/PycharmProjects/python_Project/setiment_dictionary_project/total_review.txt", "w") as positive_file_path:
for i in total_reviews:
return normalization_total_review
def text_TAG(normalization_review):
okt = Okt()
pos_reviews = []
for review in normalization_review: # 형태소 분석
clean_review = okt.pos(review[2:], stem=True,join=True)
# {'Adjective': '형용사',
# 'Adverb': '부사',
# 'Alpha': '알파벳',
# 'Conjunction': '접속사',
# 'Determiner': '관형사',
# 'Eomi': '어미',
# 'Exclamation': '감탄사',
# 'Foreign': '외국어, 한자 및 기타기호',
# 'Hashtag': '트위터 해쉬태그',
# 'Josa': '조사',
# 'KoreanParticle': '(ex: ㅋㅋ)',
# 'Noun': '명사',
# 'Number': '숫자',
# 'PreEomi': '선어말어미',
# 'Punctuation': '구두점',
# 'ScreenName': '트위터 아이디',
# 'Suffix': '접미사',
# 'Unknown': '미등록어',
# 'Verb': '동사'}
tag_reviews = []
for i in pos_reviews: #Adjective 동사, 형용사 가져오기
for j in i:
text_tag = j.split("/") #'편리하다/Adjective'
if text_tag[1] == "Adjective" :
total_tag_reviews =[]
count_tag_reviews = Counter(tag_reviews)
return count_tag_reviews
def text_tokenizer(): #리뷰 데이터 토크나이저 진행
okt = Okt()
f = open("/Users/sunho99/PycharmProjects/python_Project/setiment_dictionary_project/negative_review.txt", 'r') # 기본 긍,부정 txt
lines = f.readlines()
total_text = []
for line in lines:
line = line.strip() # 줄 끝의 줄 바꿈 문자를 제거한다.
line = okt.pos(line, stem=True, join=True)
new_text = []
for i in line:
text_tag = i.split("/") # '편리하다/Adjective'
with open("/Users/sunho99/PycharmProjects/python_Project/setiment_dictionary_project/negative_tokenizer_review.txt", "w") as file_path: # 긍,부정 리뷰 토큰화 진행
for i in total_text:
text = ""
for j in i:
text = text + j + " "
file_path.write(text + "\n")
def word_tokenizer(count_reviews,state):
okt = Okt()
most_relateds = []
pmi_dict = {}
corpus_path = "/Users/sunho99/PycharmProjects/python_Project/setiment_dictionary_project/"+state+"_tokenizer_review.txt"
corpus = DoublespaceLineCorpus(corpus_path,iter_sent=True) #corpus의 길이를 계산할 때, 문장 단위로 계산이 됨
word_extractor = WordExtractor() #단어 추출기
tokenizer = RegexTokenizer()
x, idx2vocab = sent_to_word_contexts_matrix(
tokenizer=tokenizer, # (default) lambda x:x.split(),
pmi, px, py = pmi_func(
vocab2idx = {vocab: idx for idx, vocab in enumerate(idx2vocab)}
for text,cnt in count_reviews:
query = vocab2idx[text]
submatrix = pmi[query, :].tocsr() # get the row of query
contexts = submatrix.nonzero()[1] # nonzero() return (rows, columns)
pmi_i = submatrix.data
most_relateds = [(idx, pmi_ij) for idx, pmi_ij in zip(contexts, pmi_i)]
most_relateds = sorted(most_relateds, key=lambda x: -x[0])
most_relateds = [(idx2vocab[idx], pmi_ij) for idx, pmi_ij in most_relateds]
# pprint(most_relateds)
for text,pmi_score in most_relateds: #pmi값중 text,pmi_score추출
a = okt.pos(text)
for pos_text, tag in a: #pmi계산 한 토큰 중 형용사만 추가.
if tag == "Adjective":
if pos_text not in pmi_dict:
pmi_dict[pos_text] = pmi_score
pmi_dict[pos_text] += pmi_score
# pmi_dict = sorted(pmi_dict.items(), key=lambda x:x[1], reverse= True)
return pmi_dict
def calculateSOPMI(positive_pmi_dict, negative_pmi_dict):
result = []
for key, _ in positive_pmi_dict.items():
if key in negative_pmi_dict:
so_pmi = positive_pmi_dict[key] - negative_pmi_dict[key]
result.append((key, so_pmi))
return result
positive_normalization_review, negative_normalization_review = fileread() # 정제전 토탈 리뷰
total_review = total_review_toknizer() # 전처리
positive_count_reviews = text_TAG(positive_normalization_review) # 정제후 품사태깅된 리뷰
negative_count_reviews = text_TAG(negative_normalization_review)
positive_count_reviews = positive_count_reviews - negative_count_reviews
negative_count_reviews = negative_count_reviews - positive_count_reviews
positive_count_reviews = positive_count_reviews.most_common(20)
negative_count_reviews = negative_count_reviews.most_common(20)
positive_pmi_dict = word_tokenizer(positive_count_reviews,"total") # text_tokenizer() #리뷰 데이터 토크나이저 진행
negative_pmi_dict = word_tokenizer(negative_count_reviews,"total") # text_tokenizer() #리뷰 데이터 토크나이저 진행
# 않다, 같다
result = calculateSOPMI(positive_pmi_dict,negative_pmi_dict)
result = sorted(result,key=lambda x:x[1], reverse= True)
column_name = ['text', 'score']
df = pd.DataFrame(result,columns=column_name)
# text score
# 0 좋다 8.251249
# 1 빠르다 6.580951
# 2 가볍다 6.106031
# 3 튼튼하다 6.095806
# 4 만족하다 5.797576
df["score"] = (df["score"] - df["score"].mean())/df["score"].std()
# print(df)
data = np.array_split(df, 5) # -2,-1,0,1,2 점수화를 위해서 5단계로 분할.
# 좋지 않다. <=> 좋다.
# 편하게 뿌리는 스타일이 좋지않았습니다.
# 편하다 뿌리다 스타일 이 좋다 않다.. (2점) *-1
#좋다 않다 -> 좋다 -> good -> bad ->나쁘다.
# 않다. 못
for i in range(5): # pmi값 기준으로 점수화
if i == 0:
data[i]['score'] = 2
elif i == 1:
data[i]['score'] = 1
elif i== 2:
data[i]['score'] = 0
elif i == 3:
data[i]['score'] = -1
elif i == 4:
data[i]['score'] = -2
total_df = pd.concat([data[0],data[1],data[2],data[3],data[4]])
total_df.to_json("/Users/sunho99/PycharmProjects/python_Project/setiment_dictionary_project/SentiWord.json", orient = 'table',force_ascii=False,indent=4)
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