MBTI Personality Types 500 Dataset
~100K preprocessed records of posts and personality types
본 프로젝트는 Kaggle에 있는 MBTI dataset을 사용하여 colab환경에서 진행했습니다.
from google.colab import drive
Mounted at /content/drive
%cd /content/drive/MyDrive/텍스트마이닝_기말과제
'MBTI 500.csv' svm_classifier.pkl 텍스트마이닝_기말과제.ipynb
random_forest_classifier.pkl tfidf_vectorizer.pkl
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.utils import resample
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, classification_report
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
import joblib
import wordcloud
from wordcloud import WordCloud, STOPWORDS
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from collections import Counter
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer
stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))
stop_words.update(['er', 'ikke',"0o", "0s", "3a", "3b", "3d", "6b", "6o", "a", "a1", "a2", "a3", "a4", "ab", "able", "about", "above", "abst", "ac", "accordance", "according", "accordingly", "across", "act", "actually", "ad", "added", "adj", "ae", "af", "affected", "affecting", "affects", "after", "afterwards", "ag", "again", "against", "ah", "ain", "ain't", "aj", "al", "all", "allow", "allows", "almost", "alone", "along", "already", "also", "although", "always", "am", "among", "amongst", "amoungst", "amount", "an", "and", "announce", "another", "any", "anybody", "anyhow", "anymore", "anyone", "anything", "anyway", "anyways", "anywhere", "ao", "ap", "apart", "apparently", "appear", "appreciate", "appropriate", "approximately", "ar", "are", "aren", "arent", "aren't", "arise", "around", "as", "a's", "aside", "ask", "asking", "associated", "at", "au", "auth", "av", "available", "aw", "away", "awfully", "ax", "ay", "az", "b", "b1", "b2", "b3", "ba", "back", "bc", "bd", "be", "became", "because", "become", "becomes", "becoming", "been", "before", "beforehand", "begin", "beginning", "beginnings", "begins", "behind", "being", "believe", "below", "beside", "besides", "best", "better", "between", "beyond", "bi", "bill", "biol", "bj", "bk", "bl", "bn", "both", "bottom", "bp", "br", "brief", "briefly", "bs", "bt", "bu", "but", "bx", "by", "c", "c1", "c2", "c3", "ca", "call", "came", "can", "cannot", "cant", "can't", "cause", "causes", "cc", "cd", "ce", "certain", "certainly", "cf", "cg", "ch", "changes", "ci", "cit", "cj", "cl", "clearly", "cm", "c'mon", "cn", "co", "com", "come", "comes", "con", "concerning", "consequently", "consider", "considering", "contain", "containing", "contains", "corresponding", "could", "couldn", "couldnt", "couldn't", "course", "cp", "cq", "cr", "cry", "cs", "c's", "ct", "cu", "currently", "cv", "cx", "cy", "cz", "d", "d2", "da", "date", "dc", "dd", "de", "definitely", "describe", "described", "despite", "detail", "df", "di", "did", "didn", "didn't", "different", "dj", "dk", "dl", "do", "does", "doesn", "doesn't", "doing", "don", "done", "don't", "down", "downwards", "dp", "dr", "ds", "dt", "du", "due", "during", "dx", "dy", "e", "e2", "e3", "ea", "each", "ec", "ed", "edu", "ee", "ef", "effect", "eg", "ei", "eight", "eighty", "either", "ej", "el", "eleven", "else", "elsewhere", "em", "empty", "en", "end", "ending", "enough", "entirely", "eo", "ep", "eq", "er", "es", "especially", "est", "et", "et-al", "etc", "eu", "ev", "even", "ever", "every", "everybody", "everyone", "everything", "everywhere", "ex", "exactly", "example", "except", "ey", "f", "f2", "fa", "far", "fc", "few", "ff", "fi", "fifteen", "fifth", "fify", "fill", "find", "fire", "first", "five", "fix", "fj", "fl", "fn", "fo", "followed", "following", "follows", "for", "former", "formerly", "forth", "forty", "found", "four", "fr", "from", "front", "fs", "ft", "fu", "full", "further", "furthermore", "fy", "g", "ga", "gave", "ge", "get", "gets", "getting", "gi", "give", "given", "gives", "giving", "gj", "gl", "go", "goes", "going", "gone", "got", "gotten", "gr", "greetings", "gs", "gy", "h", "h2", "h3", "had", "hadn", "hadn't", "happens", "hardly", "has", "hasn", "hasnt", "hasn't", "have", "haven", "haven't", "having", "he", "hed", "he'd", "he'll", "hello", "help", "hence", "her", "here", "hereafter", "hereby", "herein", "heres", "here's", "hereupon", "hers", "herself", "hes", "he's", "hh", "hi", "hid", "him", "himself", "his", "hither", "hj", "ho", "home", "hopefully", "how", "howbeit", "however", "how's", "hr", "hs", "http", "hu", "hundred", "hy", "i", "i2", "i3", "i4", "i6", "i7", "i8", "ia", "ib", "ibid", "ic", "id", "i'd", "ie", "if", "ig", "ignored", "ih", "ii", "ij", "il", "i'll", "im", "i'm", "immediate", "immediately", "importance", "important", "in", "inasmuch", "inc", "indeed", "index", "indicate", "indicated", "indicates", "information", "inner", "insofar", "instead", "interest", "into", "invention", "inward", "io", "ip", "iq", "ir", "is", "isn", "isn't", "it", "itd", "it'd", "it'll", "its", "it's", "itself", "iv", "i've", "ix", "iy", "iz", "j", "jj", "jr", "js", "jt", "ju", "just", "k", "ke", "keep", "keeps", "kept", "kg", "kj", "km", "know", "known", "knows", "ko", "l", "l2", "la", "largely", "last", "lately", "later", "latter", "latterly", "lb", "lc", "le", "least", "les", "less", "lest", "let", "lets", "let's", "lf", "like", "liked", "likely", "line", "little", "lj", "ll", "ll", "ln", "lo", "look", "looking", "looks", "los", "lr", "ls", "lt", "ltd", "m", "m2", "ma", "made", "mainly", "make", "makes", "many", "may", "maybe", "me", "mean", "means", "meantime", "meanwhile", "merely", "mg", "might", "mightn", "mightn't", "mill", "million", "mine", "miss", "ml", "mn", "mo", "more", "moreover", "most", "mostly", "move", "mr", "mrs", "ms", "mt", "mu", "much", "mug", "must", "mustn", "mustn't", "my", "myself", "n", "n2", "na", "name", "namely", "nay", "nc", "nd", "ne", "near", "nearly", "necessarily", "necessary", "need", "needn", "needn't", "needs", "neither", "never", "nevertheless", "new", "next", "ng", "ni", "nine", "ninety", "nj", "nl", "nn", "no", "nobody", "non", "none", "nonetheless", "noone", "nor", "normally", "nos", "not", "noted", "nothing", "novel", "now", "nowhere", "nr", "ns", "nt", "ny", "o", "oa", "ob", "obtain", "obtained", "obviously", "oc", "od", "of", "off", "often", "og", "oh", "oi", "oj", "ok", "okay", "ol", "old", "om", "omitted", "on", "once", "one", "ones", "only", "onto", "oo", "op", "oq", "or", "ord", "os", "ot", "other", "others", "otherwise", "ou", "ought", "our", "ours", "ourselves", "out", "outside", "over", "overall", "ow", "owing", "own", "ox", "oz", "p", "p1", "p2", "p3", "page", "pagecount", "pages", "par", "part", "particular", "particularly", "pas", "past", "pc", "pd", "pe", "per", "perhaps", "pf", "ph", "pi", "pj", "pk", "pl", "placed", "please", "plus", "pm", "pn", "po", "poorly", "possible", "possibly", "potentially", "pp", "pq", "pr", "predominantly", "present", "presumably", "previously", "primarily", "probably", "promptly", "proud", "provides", "ps", "pt", "pu", "put", "py", "q", "qj", "qu", "que", "quickly", "quite", "qv", "r", "r2", "ra", "ran", "rather", "rc", "rd", "re", "readily", "really", "reasonably", "recent", "recently", "ref", "refs", "regarding", "regardless", "regards", "related", "relatively", "research", "research-articl", "respectively", "resulted", "resulting", "results", "rf", "rh", "ri", "right", "rj", "rl", "rm", "rn", "ro", "rq", "rr", "rs", "rt", "ru", "run", "rv", "ry", "s", "s2", "sa", "said", "same", "saw", "say", "saying", "says", "sc", "sd", "se", "sec", "second", "secondly", "section", "see", "seeing", "seem", "seemed", "seeming", "seems", "seen", "self", "selves", "sensible", "sent", "serious", "seriously", "seven", "several", "sf", "shall", "shan", "shan't", "she", "shed", "she'd", "she'll", "shes", "she's", "should", "shouldn", "shouldn't", "should've", "show", "showed", "shown", "showns", "shows", "si", "side", "significant", "significantly", "similar", "similarly", "since", "sincere", "six", "sixty", "sj", "sl", "slightly", "sm", "sn", "so", "some", "somebody", "somehow", "someone", "somethan", "something", "sometime", "sometimes", "somewhat", "somewhere", "soon", "sorry", "sp", "specifically", "specified", "specify", "specifying", "sq", "sr", "ss", "st", "still", "stop", "strongly", "sub", "substantially", "successfully", "such", "sufficiently", "suggest", "sup", "sure", "sy", "system", "sz", "t", "t1", "t2", "t3", "take", "taken", "taking", "tb", "tc", "td", "te", "tell", "ten", "tends", "tf", "th", "than", "thank", "thanks", "thanx", "that", "that'll", "thats", "that's", "that've", "the", "their", "theirs", "them", "themselves", "then", "thence", "there", "thereafter", "thereby", "thered", "therefore", "therein", "there'll", "thereof", "therere", "theres", "there's", "thereto", "thereupon", "there've", "these", "they", "theyd", "they'd", "they'll", "theyre", "they're", "they've", "thickv", "thin", "think", "third", "this", "thorough", "thoroughly", "those", "thou", "though", "thoughh", "thousand", "three", "throug", "through", "throughout", "thru", "thus", "ti", "til", "tip", "tj", "tl", "tm", "tn", "to", "together", "too", "took", "top", "toward", "towards", "tp", "tq", "tr", "tried", "tries", "truly", "try", "trying", "ts", "t's", "tt", "tv", "twelve", "twenty", "twice", "two", "tx", "u", "u201d", "ue", "ui", "uj", "uk", "um", "un", "under", "unfortunately", "unless", "unlike", "unlikely", "until", "unto", "uo", "up", "upon", "ups", "ur", "us", "use", "used", "useful", "usefully", "usefulness", "uses", "using", "usually", "ut", "v", "va", "value", "various", "vd", "ve", "ve", "very", "via", "viz", "vj", "vo", "vol", "vols", "volumtype", "vq", "vs", "vt", "vu", "w", "wa", "want", "wants", "was", "wasn", "wasnt", "wasn't", "way", "we", "wed", "we'd", "welcome", "well", "we'll", "well-b", "went", "were", "we're", "weren", "werent", "weren't", "we've", "what", "whatever", "what'll", "whats", "what's", "when", "whence", "whenever", "when's", "where", "whereafter", "whereas", "whereby", "wherein", "wheres", "where's", "whereupon", "wherever", "whether", "which", "while", "whim", "whither", "who", "whod", "whoever", "whole", "who'll", "whom", "whomever", "whos", "who's", "whose", "why", "why's", "wi", "widely", "will", "willing", "wish", "with", "within", "without", "wo", "won", "wonder", "wont", "won't", "words", "world", "would", "wouldn", "wouldnt", "wouldn't", "www", "x", "x1", "x2", "x3", "xf", "xi", "xj", "xk", "xl", "xn", "xo", "xs", "xt", "xv", "xx", "y", "y2", "yes", "yet", "yj", "yl", "you", "youd", "you'd", "you'll", "your", "youre", "you're", "yours", "yourself", "yourselves", "you've", "yr", "ys", "yt", "z", "zero", "zi", "zz"])
pattern = r'[^\w\s]'
[nltk_data] Downloading package punkt to /root/nltk_data...
[nltk_data] Unzipping tokenizers/punkt.zip.
[nltk_data] Downloading package stopwords to /root/nltk_data...
[nltk_data] Unzipping corpora/stopwords.zip.
[nltk_data] Downloading package wordnet to /root/nltk_data...
df = pd.read_csv("MBTI 500.csv")
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 106067 entries, 0 to 106066
Data columns (total 2 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 posts 106067 non-null object
1 type 106067 non-null object
dtypes: object(2)
memory usage: 1.6+ MB
posts | type | |
0 | know intj tool use interaction people excuse a... | INTJ |
1 | rap music ehh opp yeah know valid well know fa... | INTJ |
2 | preferably p hd low except wew lad video p min... | INTJ |
3 | drink like wish could drink red wine give head... | INTJ |
4 | space program ah bad deal meing freelance max ... | INTJ |
... | ... | ... |
106062 | stay frustrate world life want take long nap w... | INFP |
106063 | fizzle around time mention sure mistake thing ... | INFP |
106064 | schedule modify hey w intp strong wing underst... | INFP |
106065 | enfj since january busy schedule able spend li... | INFP |
106066 | feel like men good problem tell parent want te... | INFP |
106067 rows × 2 columns
posts | type | |
0 | know intj tool use interaction people excuse a... | INTJ |
1 | rap music ehh opp yeah know valid well know fa... | INTJ |
2 | preferably p hd low except wew lad video p min... | INTJ |
3 | drink like wish could drink red wine give head... | INTJ |
4 | space program ah bad deal meing freelance max ... | INTJ |
INTP 24961
INTJ 22427
INFJ 14963
INFP 12134
ENTP 11725
ENFP 6167
ISTP 3424
ENTJ 2955
ESTP 1986
ENFJ 1534
ISTJ 1243
ISFP 875
ISFJ 650
ESTJ 482
ESFP 360
ESFJ 181
Name: type, dtype: int64
for i in range(len(df)):
text = df.loc[i, 'posts']
text = text.lower() # 소문자 처리
text = re.sub(pattern, '', text)
# 단어 토큰화
tokens = word_tokenize(text)
# 불용어 제거
# stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))
filtered_tokens = [word for word in tokens if word not in stop_words]
# 단어의 원형 복원 (lemmatization)
lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer()
lemmatized_tokens = [lemmatizer.lemmatize(word) for word in filtered_tokens]
# 전처리된 텍스트 출력
processed_text = ' '.join(filtered_tokens)
df.loc[i,'posts'] = processed_text
# 중복된 행 제거
df.drop_duplicates(subset='posts', keep='first', inplace=True)
# 클래스별 데이터 수 확인
class_counts = df['type'].value_counts()
# 가장 적은 데이터 수 확인
min_class_count = class_counts.min()
# 각 클래스별 데이터 언더샘플링
undersampled_data = pd.DataFrame()
for cls in class_counts.index:
cls_data = df[df['type'] == cls]
undersampled_cls_data = resample(cls_data, replace=False, n_samples=min_class_count, random_state=42)
undersampled_data = pd.concat([undersampled_data, undersampled_cls_data])
# 언더샘플링된 데이터 출력
INTP 181
INTJ 181
INFJ 181
INFP 181
ENTP 181
ENFP 181
ISTP 181
ENTJ 181
ESTP 181
ENFJ 181
ISTJ 181
ISFP 181
ISFJ 181
ESTJ 181
ESFP 181
ESFJ 181
Name: type, dtype: int64
posts | type | |
36501 | time resus entp intj intp answer truthfully iv... | INTP |
32633 | dispose fe aim unbiased channel damn good job ... | INTP |
31392 | people time arrow represent laptop awesome sch... | INTP |
47256 | achieve success future career choose ditto dif... | INTP |
45097 | term meditation region brain active wander act... | INTP |
undersampled_data = undersampled_data.reset_index(drop=True)
posts | type | |
0 | time resus entp intj intp answer truthfully iv... | INTP |
1 | dispose fe aim unbiased channel damn good job ... | INTP |
2 | people time arrow represent laptop awesome sch... | INTP |
3 | achieve success future career choose ditto dif... | INTP |
4 | term meditation region brain active wander act... | INTP |
undersampled_data[undersampled_data['type']== "ESTJ"].head(5)
posts | type | |
2353 | work introvert analytically work logic logical... | ESTJ |
2354 | ozziechick guess shud post hey kwaran pretty c... | ESTJ |
2355 | reckon scandinavian country germany fluid term... | ESTJ |
2356 | realize truth life song ground root case talka... | ESTJ |
2357 | concrete backfire theory humanity discipline c... | ESTJ |
# TF-IDF 벡터화
tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(max_features=500)
X = tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(undersampled_data['posts'])
y = undersampled_data['type']
# 데이터 분할
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
# Random Forest 모델 생성 및 학습
rf_classifier = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, random_state=42) # 예시로 트리 100개 사용
rf_classifier.fit(X_train, y_train)
# 모델 평가
accuracy = rf_classifier.score(X_test, y_test)
print(f'Accuracy: {accuracy}')
# 학습된 모델 저장
joblib.dump(rf_classifier, 'random_forest_classifier.pkl')
joblib.dump(tfidf_vectorizer, 'tfidf_vectorizer.pkl')
Accuracy: 0.6706896551724137
a = list(set(undersampled_data['type'].tolist()))
estj_posts = undersampled_data[undersampled_data['type'] == 'ESTJ']['posts']
estj = estj_posts.to_list()
from wordcloud import WordCloud, STOPWORDS
fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(undersampled_data['type'].unique()), sharex=True, figsize=(5,5*len(df['type'].unique())))
k = 0
for i in undersampled_data['type'].unique():
df_4 = undersampled_data[undersampled_data['type'] == i]
wordcloud = WordCloud().generate(df_4['posts'].to_string())
최다 빈도수 단어들 확인
post_counter = Counter()
for i in undersampled_data['type'].unique():
new_df = undersampled_data[undersampled_data['type'] == i]
text_data = [k.split(" ") for k in new_df['posts'].to_list()]
# print(text_data)
# break
# if i == "ESTJ":
for d in text_data:
post_counter = Counter(d)
# print(post_counter)
INTP : [('test', 7), ('type', 6), ('intp', 6), ('people', 6), ('function', 5), ('vote', 5), ('feel', 5), ('order', 4), ('point', 4), ('time', 3)]
INTJ : [('thing', 7), ('year', 6), ('state', 5), ('point', 4), ('respect', 4), ('totally', 3), ('people', 3), ('term', 3), ('elect', 3), ('programme', 3)]
INFJ : [('infjs', 6), ('good', 5), ('group', 5), ('fe', 5), ('understand', 4), ('people', 4), ('friend', 4), ('feel', 4), ('point', 3), ('sound', 3)]
INFP : [('people', 10), ('thing', 7), ('time', 6), ('speak', 5), ('feel', 4), ('fe', 4), ('understand', 4), ('good', 4), ('game', 3), ('thought', 3)]
ENTP : [('people', 11), ('bad', 8), ('fe', 6), ('thing', 5), ('care', 4), ('read', 4), ('woman', 4), ('love', 3), ('book', 3), ('post', 3)]
ENFP : [('friend', 6), ('talk', 6), ('enfp', 5), ('thing', 5), ('feel', 5), ('people', 5), ('type', 5), ('good', 4), ('idea', 4), ('social', 4)]
ISTP : [('people', 6), ('job', 5), ('thing', 5), ('talk', 4), ('interview', 4), ('hamas', 4), ('charter', 4), ('pay', 3), ('relationship', 3), ('bad', 3)]
ENTJ : [('people', 6), ('personality', 4), ('test', 4), ('time', 4), ('great', 3), ('friend', 3), ('good', 3), ('person', 3), ('life', 3), ('thing', 3)]
ESTP : [('place', 5), ('people', 4), ('state', 4), ('berlin', 4), ('yeah', 3), ('german', 3), ('nazi', 3), ('germany', 3), ('infj', 3), ('problem', 3)]
ENFJ : [('thing', 6), ('feel', 6), ('fe', 6), ('istp', 5), ('people', 5), ('thought', 4), ('bite', 3), ('bad', 3), ('lot', 3), ('answer', 3)]
ISTJ : [('good', 11), ('time', 8), ('wear', 7), ('pretty', 5), ('question', 5), ('process', 5), ('hat', 5), ('fish', 5), ('experience', 4), ('error', 4)]
ISFP : [('good', 6), ('eye', 4), ('work', 4), ('post', 4), ('people', 4), ('thing', 4), ('action', 4), ('contact', 3), ('share', 3), ('life', 3)]
ISFJ : [('feel', 6), ('isfj', 6), ('love', 5), ('thing', 5), ('listen', 5), ('good', 5), ('fun', 5), ('sensor', 4), ('isfp', 3), ('song', 3)]
ESTJ : [('people', 8), ('det', 7), ('read', 4), ('enjoy', 4), ('time', 4), ('man', 4), ('har', 4), ('på', 3), ('jeg', 3), ('good', 3)]
ESFP : [('fuck', 5), ('decision', 5), ('hand', 4), ('game', 4), ('feel', 3), ('play', 3), ('good', 3), ('memory', 3), ('people', 3), ('buy', 3)]
ESFJ : [('people', 5), ('thing', 5), ('study', 5), ('lol', 4), ('type', 4), ('small', 4), ('day', 4), ('person', 3), ('live', 3), ('life', 3)]
# 'E' (Extraversion)와 'S' (Sensing) 성향을 가진 데이터 추출
e_data = undersampled_data[undersampled_data['type'].str.contains('E')]['posts']
i_data = undersampled_data[undersampled_data['type'].str.contains('I')]['posts']
# 전처리 및 단어 추출 함수 정의
def extract_words(data):
# CountVectorizer를 사용하여 단어 빈도수 계산
count_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(stop_words='english')
count_data = count_vectorizer.fit_transform(data)
words = count_vectorizer.get_feature_names_out()
word_frequencies = count_data.toarray().sum(axis=0)
word_freq_dict = dict(zip(words, word_frequencies))
return word_freq_dict
# 'E' 성향에 해당하는 단어 추출
e_word_freq = extract_words(e_data)
# 'S' 성향에 해당하는 단어 추출
i_word_freq = extract_words(i_data)
# 'E'와 'S' 성향에서 곂치는 단어 중 빈도수가 가장 높은 상위 5개의 단어 추출
e_common_words = [word for word, _ in Counter(e_word_freq).most_common(10)]
i_common_words = [word for word, _ in Counter(i_word_freq).most_common(10)]
# 'E'와 'S' 성향에서 곂치는 단어를 제외한 단어 추출
e_unique_words = [word for word in e_word_freq if word not in i_common_words]
i_unique_words = [word for word in i_word_freq if word not in e_common_words]
# WordCloud 객체 생성하여 시각화
e_wordcloud = WordCloud(width=800, height=400, background_color='white').generate_from_frequencies({word: freq for word, freq in e_word_freq.items() if word in e_unique_words})
i_wordcloud = WordCloud(width=800, height=400, background_color='white').generate_from_frequencies({word: freq for word, freq in i_word_freq.items() if word in i_unique_words})
# 'E' 성향 WordCloud 시각화
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.imshow(e_wordcloud, interpolation='bilinear')
plt.title("WordCloud for 'E' (Extraversion) - Unique Words")
# 'I' 성향 WordCloud 시각화
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.imshow(i_wordcloud, interpolation='bilinear')
plt.title("WordCloud for 'I' (Introversion) - Unique Words")
- S와 N의 주요 빈도 단어 시각화
# 'S' (Sensing)와 'N' (Intuition) 성향을 가진 데이터 추출
s_data = undersampled_data[undersampled_data['type'].str.contains('S')]['posts']
n_data = undersampled_data[undersampled_data['type'].str.contains('N')]['posts']
# 전처리 및 단어 추출 함수 정의
def extract_words(data):
# CountVectorizer를 사용하여 단어 빈도수 계산
count_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(stop_words='english')
count_data = count_vectorizer.fit_transform(data)
words = count_vectorizer.get_feature_names_out()
word_frequencies = count_data.toarray().sum(axis=0)
word_freq_dict = dict(zip(words, word_frequencies))
return word_freq_dict
# 'S' 성향에 해당하는 단어 추출
s_word_freq = extract_words(s_data)
# 'N' 성향에 해당하는 단어 추출
n_word_freq = extract_words(n_data)
# 'S'와 'N' 성향에서 곂치는 단어 중 빈도수가 가장 높은 상위 10개의 단어 추출
s_common_words = [word for word, _ in Counter(s_word_freq).most_common(10)]
n_common_words = [word for word, _ in Counter(n_word_freq).most_common(10)]
# 'S'와 'N' 성향에서 곂치는 단어를 제외한 단어 추출
s_unique_words = [word for word in s_word_freq if word not in n_common_words]
n_unique_words = [word for word in n_word_freq if word not in s_common_words]
# WordCloud 객체 생성하여 시각화
s_wordcloud = WordCloud(width=800, height=400, background_color='white').generate_from_frequencies({word: freq for word, freq in s_word_freq.items() if word in s_unique_words})
n_wordcloud = WordCloud(width=800, height=400, background_color='white').generate_from_frequencies({word: freq for word, freq in n_word_freq.items() if word in n_unique_words})
# 'S' 성향 WordCloud 시각화
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.imshow(s_wordcloud, interpolation='bilinear')
plt.title("WordCloud for 'S' (Sensing) - Unique Words")
# 'N' 성향 WordCloud 시각화
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.imshow(n_wordcloud, interpolation='bilinear')
plt.title("WordCloud for 'N' (Intuition) - Unique Words")
- 'T'와 'F'의 주요 빈도 단어 시각화
# 'F' (Feeling)와 'T' (Thinking) 성향을 가진 데이터 추출
f_data = undersampled_data[undersampled_data['type'].str.contains('F')]['posts']
t_data = undersampled_data[undersampled_data['type'].str.contains('T')]['posts']
# 전처리 및 단어 추출 함수 정의
def extract_words(data):
# CountVectorizer를 사용하여 단어 빈도수 계산
count_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(stop_words='english')
count_data = count_vectorizer.fit_transform(data)
words = count_vectorizer.get_feature_names_out()
word_frequencies = count_data.toarray().sum(axis=0)
word_freq_dict = dict(zip(words, word_frequencies))
return word_freq_dict
# 'F' 성향에 해당하는 단어 추출
f_word_freq = extract_words(f_data)
# 'T' 성향에 해당하는 단어 추출
t_word_freq = extract_words(t_data)
f_common_words = [word for word, _ in Counter(f_word_freq).most_common(10)]
t_common_words = [word for word, _ in Counter(t_word_freq).most_common(10)]
# 'F', 'T' 성향에서 곂치는 단어를 제외한 단어 추출
f_unique_words = [word for word in f_word_freq if word not in s_common_words + n_common_words + t_common_words]
t_unique_words = [word for word in t_word_freq if word not in s_common_words + n_common_words + f_common_words]
# WordCloud 객체 생성하여 시각화
f_wordcloud = WordCloud(width=800, height=400, background_color='white').generate_from_frequencies({word: freq for word, freq in f_word_freq.items() if word in f_unique_words})
t_wordcloud = WordCloud(width=800, height=400, background_color='white').generate_from_frequencies({word: freq for word, freq in t_word_freq.items() if word in t_unique_words})
# 'F' 성향 WordCloud 시각화
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.imshow(f_wordcloud, interpolation='bilinear')
plt.title("WordCloud for 'F' (Feeling) - Unique Words")
# 'T' 성향 WordCloud 시각화
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.imshow(t_wordcloud, interpolation='bilinear')
plt.title("WordCloud for 'T' (Thinking) - Unique Words")
- 'P'와 'J'의 주요 빈도 단어 시각화
# 'P' (Perceiving)와 'J' (Judging) 성향을 가진 데이터 추출
p_data = undersampled_data[undersampled_data['type'].str.contains('P')]['posts']
j_data = undersampled_data[undersampled_data['type'].str.contains('J')]['posts']
# 전처리 및 단어 추출 함수 정의
def extract_words(data):
# CountVectorizer를 사용하여 단어 빈도수 계산
count_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(stop_words='english')
count_data = count_vectorizer.fit_transform(data)
words = count_vectorizer.get_feature_names_out()
word_frequencies = count_data.toarray().sum(axis=0)
word_freq_dict = dict(zip(words, word_frequencies))
return word_freq_dict
# 'P' 성향에 해당하는 단어 추출
p_word_freq = extract_words(p_data)
# 'J' 성향에 해당하는 단어 추출
j_word_freq = extract_words(j_data)
# 'P'와 'J' 성향에서 곂치는 단어 중 빈도수가 가장 높은 상위 10개의 단어 추출
p_common_words = [word for word, _ in Counter(p_word_freq).most_common(10)]
j_common_words = [word for word, _ in Counter(j_word_freq).most_common(10)]
# 'P'와 'J' 성향에서 곂치는 단어를 제외한 단어 추출
p_unique_words = [word for word in p_word_freq if word not in j_common_words]
j_unique_words = [word for word in j_word_freq if word not in p_common_words]
# WordCloud 객체 생성하여 시각화
p_wordcloud = WordCloud(width=800, height=400, background_color='white').generate_from_frequencies({word: freq for word, freq in p_word_freq.items() if word in p_unique_words})
j_wordcloud = WordCloud(width=800, height=400, background_color='white').generate_from_frequencies({word: freq for word, freq in j_word_freq.items() if word in j_unique_words})
# 'P' 성향 WordCloud 시각화
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.imshow(p_wordcloud, interpolation='bilinear')
plt.title("WordCloud for 'P' (Perceiving) - Unique Words")
# 'J' 성향 WordCloud 시각화
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.imshow(j_wordcloud, interpolation='bilinear')
plt.title("WordCloud for 'J' (Judging) - Unique Words")
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer()
X = vectorizer.fit_transform(undersampled_data['posts'])
# 클러스터링 (K-means)
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=5) # 클러스터 개수 설정
# 차원 축소 (PCA)
pca = PCA(n_components=2)
X_pca = pca.fit_transform(X.toarray())
# 시각화
undersampled_data['cluster'] = kmeans.labels_
undersampled_data['pca1'] = X_pca[:, 0]
undersampled_data['pca2'] = X_pca[:, 1]
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
# MBTI 유형에 따른 색상 지정
mbti_colors = {'INTJ': 'red', 'ENTP': 'blue', 'INTP': 'green', 'ENTJ': 'orange', 'INFJ': 'purple',
'ENFJ': 'yellow', 'INFP': 'brown', 'ENFP': 'pink', 'ISTJ': 'gray', 'ISFJ': 'cyan',
'ESTJ': 'olive', 'ESFJ': 'magenta'}
for mbti_type, color in mbti_colors.items():
temp_df = undersampled_data[undersampled_data['type'] == mbti_type]
plt.scatter(temp_df['pca1'], temp_df['pca2'], c=color, label=mbti_type, alpha=0.5)
plt.title('Clustering Visualization by MBTI Type')
plt.xlabel('PCA Component 1')
plt.ylabel('PCA Component 2')
/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/sklearn/cluster/_kmeans.py:870: FutureWarning: The default value of `n_init` will change from 10 to 'auto' in 1.4. Set the value of `n_init` explicitly to suppress the warning
# TF-IDF 벡터 생성
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer()
X = vectorizer.fit_transform(undersampled_data['posts'])
# t-SNE를 사용하여 2차원으로 축소하여 각 MBTI 유형별로 시각화
mbti_types = undersampled_data['type'].unique()
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
for mbti_type in mbti_types:
# 해당 MBTI 유형에 해당하는 데이터 추출
temp_df = undersampled_data[undersampled_data['type'] == mbti_type]
# TF-IDF 벡터화
X_mbti = vectorizer.transform(temp_df['posts'])
# t-SNE를 사용하여 2차원으로 축소
tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, random_state=200)
X_tsne = tsne.fit_transform(X_mbti.toarray())
# 시각화
plt.scatter(X_tsne[:, 0], X_tsne[:, 1], label=mbti_type, alpha=0.5)
plt.title('t-SNE Visualization by MBTI Types')
plt.xlabel('t-SNE Component 1')
plt.ylabel('t-SNE Component 2')
# 특성 추출 (TF-IDF 활용)
tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(max_features=2300) # TF-IDF 벡터화
X = tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(undersampled_data['posts']) # 텍스트 데이터를 TF-IDF 특성으로 변환
y = undersampled_data['type'] # MBTI 유형 (타겟)
# 데이터 분할 (훈련 데이터와 테스트 데이터)
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
# 모델 훈련 (SVM 분류기 사용 예시)
svm_classifier = SVC(kernel='linear') # SVM 모델 생성
svm_classifier.fit(X_train, y_train) # 모델 훈련
# 학습된 모델을 파일로 저장
joblib.dump(svm_classifier, 'svm_classifier.pkl')
# 모델 평가
predictions = svm_classifier.predict(X_test) # 테스트 데이터 예측
accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, predictions) # 정확도 계산
print(f'Accuracy: {accuracy}')
# 분류 보고서 출력
print(classification_report(y_test, predictions))
Accuracy: 0.7172413793103448
precision recall f1-score support
ENFJ 0.73 0.75 0.74 36
ENFP 0.74 0.85 0.79 34
ENTJ 0.77 0.62 0.69 32
ENTP 0.62 0.68 0.65 31
ESFJ 0.97 0.74 0.84 43
ESFP 0.76 0.74 0.75 34
ESTJ 0.97 0.78 0.86 40
ESTP 0.90 0.83 0.86 42
INFJ 0.77 0.61 0.68 49
INFP 0.52 0.71 0.60 31
INTJ 0.47 0.74 0.58 38
INTP 0.66 0.68 0.67 34
ISFJ 0.82 0.76 0.79 37
ISFP 0.47 0.75 0.58 24
ISTJ 0.74 0.59 0.66 34
ISTP 0.82 0.66 0.73 41
accuracy 0.72 580
macro avg 0.73 0.72 0.72 580
weighted avg 0.75 0.72 0.72 580
import joblib
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
# 임의의 텍스트 데이
new_text = ["In the realm of intellect and innovation, certain individuals possess an innate ability to envision the future, dissect complex problems, and engineer innovative solutions. These individuals exhibit a unique blend of analytical prowess, strategic thinking, and a relentless pursuit of knowledge. Their visionary mindset is characterized by an insatiable curiosity and a deep understanding of underlying patterns. They excel in dissecting intricate systems, identifying inefficiencies, and architecting solutions that push the boundaries of conventional thinking. Moreover, these individuals are driven by a passion for continuous improvement. They meticulously gather information, analyze data, and meticulously plan their actions, ensuring that every decision aligns with their long-term goals. Their independent and analytical nature often leads them to question established norms, challenge conventions, and seek unconventional pathways. They value autonomy and are not afraid to stand apart from the crowd in pursuit of their vision. Furthermore, their confidence in their ideas coupled with their ability to foresee potential outcomes aids them in making informed decisions. They possess a rare ability to foresee obstacles and plan contingencies in advance. In summary, individuals embodying these traits operate as strategic visionaries in their fields, steering through complexity with precision and constantly seeking innovative solutions that shape the future.",
"I like making plans and I like animals. And he is very empathetic and likes to hang out with people.",
"I like making plans and I prefer hang out with under 3 people. Many people who is stupid makes me mad. I love playing games alone in my home",
"You are a stable and reliable individual. You tend to be pragmatic, organized, and systematic in handling tasks. Additionally, you pay attention to details and value real-life experiences and facts. You have a strong adaptability to change and enjoy taking responsibility and doing your best in the tasks assigned to you."]
# 불러온 학습된 모델
loaded_model = joblib.load('svm_classifier.pkl')
# TF-IDF 벡터화
tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(max_features=2300)
# 기존에 학습된 TF-IDF 벡터화 모델 사용하여 새로운 데이터 벡터화
X_new = tfidf_vectorizer.transform(new_text)
# 예측
predictions_new = loaded_model.predict(X_new)
# 결과 출력
for text, prediction in zip(new_text, predictions_new):
print(f"Text: {text}")
print(f"Predicted MBTI Type: {prediction}")
Text: In the realm of intellect and innovation, certain individuals possess an innate ability to envision the future, dissect complex problems, and engineer innovative solutions. These individuals exhibit a unique blend of analytical prowess, strategic thinking, and a relentless pursuit of knowledge. Their visionary mindset is characterized by an insatiable curiosity and a deep understanding of underlying patterns. They excel in dissecting intricate systems, identifying inefficiencies, and architecting solutions that push the boundaries of conventional thinking. Moreover, these individuals are driven by a passion for continuous improvement. They meticulously gather information, analyze data, and meticulously plan their actions, ensuring that every decision aligns with their long-term goals. Their independent and analytical nature often leads them to question established norms, challenge conventions, and seek unconventional pathways. They value autonomy and are not afraid to stand apart from the crowd in pursuit of their vision. Furthermore, their confidence in their ideas coupled with their ability to foresee potential outcomes aids them in making informed decisions. They possess a rare ability to foresee obstacles and plan contingencies in advance. In summary, individuals embodying these traits operate as strategic visionaries in their fields, steering through complexity with precision and constantly seeking innovative solutions that shape the future.
Predicted MBTI Type: ENTJ
Text: I like making plans and I like animals. And he is very empathetic and likes to hang out with people.
Predicted MBTI Type: INTJ
Text: I like making plans and I prefer hang out with under 3 people. Many people who is stupid makes me mad. I love playing games alone in my home
Predicted MBTI Type: ISTP
Text: You are a stable and reliable individual. You tend to be pragmatic, organized, and systematic in handling tasks. Additionally, you pay attention to details and value real-life experiences and facts. You have a strong adaptability to change and enjoy taking responsibility and doing your best in the tasks assigned to you.
Predicted MBTI Type: ISTJ
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